Creating UnitfulScalars
Unitful scalars can be defined using the u-prefixed non-standard string literals, e. g.
Ry = 1.21104020061 * u"H*Mg*N*K*Pa*S*Tb*Tl*W/(Ba*C*Es*P*Pb*Pm*Ra*V*Yb)"
ħ = 1054.571818 * u"P/PP*pP*ppm*m*M/MM*Mm*mm"
They are parsed by Unitful.jl
and then converted to a UnitfulScalar
Don't try to use units defined on interval or logarithmic scales, such as °C or dBm. Use K and mW instead.
Creating UnitfulTensors
There are two ways to create UnitfulTensor
s. You can first construct an array of UnitfulScalar
[1u"s" 2u"s"
3u"s" 4u"s"]
and then convert it to a UnitfulTensor
UnitfulTensor([1u"s" 2u"s"
3u"s" 4u"s"])
Or you can construct an array of numbers and AxesDimensions
separately and then combine them into a UnitfulTensor
vals = [1. 2.
3. 4.]
dims = 𝐓 * nodims(2, 2)
UnitfulTensor(vals, dims)
In the latter case, numerical values should be given in SI units.
Unitless quantities and arrays thereof don't have to be wrapped in a UnitfulScalar
or UnitfulTensor
, but trying to do mixed unitful/unitless arithmetic with something other than Array
s (e. g., sparse matrices or StaticArray
s) can result in method ambiguities. They are easily fixed if necessary.
Creating AxesDimensions
represent the physical dimensions of a UnitfulTensor
and can be constructed as a tensor product of one-dimensional AxesDimensions
AxesDimensions([𝐓, 𝐋, 𝐋, 𝐋]) ⊗ AxesDimensions(inv.([𝐓, 𝐋, 𝐋, 𝐋]))
or using nodims
and scalar multiplication
𝐓 * nodims(2, 2)
# or dimensions(u"s") * nodims(2, 2)
for dimensionally homogeneous UnitfulTensor
Defining functions of UnitfulTensors
Functions of UnitfulTensor
s generally act on the numerical values and dimensions independently (with some exceptions, such as pivoted factorizations). If you use a function from some package (or Julia Base) that is not implemented in UnitfulTensors.jl, you can implement it yourself.
For example, reversing a UnitfulTensor
along a specific dimension could be done like this:
using UnitfulTensors
import Base: reverse
function reverse(A::UnitfulTensor; kwargs...)
dims = reverse(dimensions(A); kwargs...)
vals = reverse(values(A); kwargs...)
return UnitfulTensor(vals, dims)
function reverse(A::AxesDimensions; dims)
d = dims
scale, Adims... = dimsplat(A)
newscale = scale * last(Adims[d]) # because AxisDimensions are normalized
newdims = (Adims[1:d-1]..., reverse(Adims[d]), Adims[d+1:end]...)
return AxesDimensions(newdims, newscale)
function reverse(A::AxisDimensions)
dims = dimsvec(A)
newdims = reverse(dims) ./ last(dims) # normalization
return AxisDimensions(newdims)
Note that due to the tensor product structure of AxesDimensions
dealing with dimensions is usually much easier than with numerical values.
The types defined in this package store references to arrays of AbstractDimensions
. Don't mutate them, or there will be surprises:
julia> Z = UnitfulTensor([1u"S" 2u"S"
3u"S" 4u"S"])
V = UnitfulTensor([5u"V", 6u"V"])
I = Z * V
2-element UnitfulVector{Float64, SIDimensions, Vector{Float64}, AxesDimensions{1, SIDimensions}}:
17.0 A
39.0 A
julia> dimsvec(normdims(Z)[1])[2] = dimensions(u"V")
2-element UnitfulVector{Float64, SIDimensions, Vector{Float64}, AxesDimensions{1, SIDimensions}}:
17.0 A
39.0 kg m^2 s^-3
Make a copy instead if necessary.
Currently dimensions are compared with ==
for performance reasons, even though they are represented as floating-point numbers. As a consequence, units with integer, half-integer, quarter-integer exponents work, while units like s^(1/3) don't:
julia> 1u"s^(2/3)" + 1u"s" / 1u"s^(1/3)"
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: dimensions (𝐓^11184811/16777216, 𝐓^5592405/8388608) do not match
This will be fixed when I figure out how to switch to ≈
without a significant performance penalty.
Beyond SI
By default, UnitfulTensors.jl converts all quantities into SI units upon construction. These units are provided by the upreferred
function from Unitful.jl. It is possible to override this behaviour and define custom units by mechanisms described in the Unitful.jl documentation.
import Unitful
const var"@uu_str" = Unitful.var"@u_str"
Unitful.@unit ħunit "ħ" ReducedPlanck Unitful.ħ false
Unitful.@unit eunit "e" ElementaryCharge Unitful.q false
_uT = ħunit/uu"meV"; _uL = uu"nm"; _uM = ħunit*_uT/_uL^2; _uI = eunit/_uT
Unitful.preferunits(_uT, _uL, _uM, _uI)
using UnitfulTensors
σ = 1u"Ω^-1"; ω = 1u"THz2π"; E = 1u"eV"; vF = 1e6u"m/s"
σ, ω, E / vF
# output
(4108.235902227661 e^2 ħ^-1, 4.135667696923859 meV ħ^-1, 1.5192674478786259 ħ nm^-1)
However, this is not recommended unless really necessary. This feature has not been tested extensively and it is better to stick to SI for consistency.
Simplified UnitfulTensor construction
If you feel lazy to wrap all array literals in UnitfulTensor(...)
, you can call tensorize_literals()
. After that, array literals containing UnitfulScalar
s will return UnitfulTensor
s instead of Array
using UnitfulTensors
[1u"s" 2
3 4u"s^-1"]
# output
2×2 UnitfulMatrix{Float64, SIDimensions, Matrix{Float64}, AxesDimensions{2, SIDimensions}}:
1.0 s 2.0
3.0 4.0 s^-1
This feature is experimental. It might break something and may be removed in the future.